Hardware The hardware required by the digitizing of the hospitals consists of: 1. PCs, workstations and servers The projects must consider the protection of the data, but also of the workflow. The archiving can be done on RAIDS, SAN, NAS, with or without virtualization, with our without architecture of failover, with our without back-up of the data on tape. Ordinary monitors show the data of the HIS/RIS, for instance the text of the report, and can be grouped with 1, 2, or 4 diagnostic monitors showing the images of the PACS. A triptych configuration is usual for a synchronized viewing PACS-RIS. Besides the monitors certified for diagnostic use and having the feature of DICOM-calibration, we can also propose monitors suiting to the viewing of the clinicians, and having a DICOM-preset. The viewing in the particular environment of the operation rooms requires specific monitors that we can offer as single head or dual head. See: www.pansys.com/viewing/en The viewing station of a demo room combines beamers and monitors, which we can offer in several configurations. It burns DVDs/CDs bearing the digital images and their viewer, and it prints on the DVD/CD the identification of the patient and of his images. See: www.pansys.com/cd/en